Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today's Musings

Today I am finishing up the Book of Mormon in Moroni chapter 7. In verse 8 "For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God."

D&C 64: 34.
"Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days."

I think this really struck me because I wonder if I am not somewhat grudging at times when I am either giving of my time or talents. I am sure that I am not an evil person, but Heavenly Father can't be very happy when I do things with reservation or grudgingly. The Lord requires the heart and a willing mind. This isn't a suggestion but a requirement. I guess that this is just something that I will have to keep working on. I am really grateful for the Atonement.

Verse 19:
"Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."

I just really like this scripture. Moroni is so plain in teaching us about how to know good from evil. I get the sense that he really cares, I imagine that if I heard him speaking to me at general conference I would feel the same love for me that I feel from President Monson.

He also reminds us of the five characteristics of prayer that Jesus taught in verse 26:
"And after that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you."

Then verses 47-48 are a couple of my favorite scriptures.
"But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

I really do feel better when I read the scriptures, when I take the time to think about the messages that are in there for me. I want to be a better person, I want to be like Jesus Christ, I want to know Him when He comes again.

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